My Story

What is your musical background?
I grew up with music always on in the home. 5th grade I decided to try clarinet. I had piano lessons when I was 11 years old. I played sax and clarinet all through my K-12 schooling. I was able to be a part of a great music program. I was exposed to Marching Band, Field Show, Concert Band. We got to travel to Hawaii, Canada and the Tournament of Roses Parade. I was accepted to the California All State Honor Band in my senior year. That was a turning point for me to take music more seriously. I entered CSEUB as Clarinet Major, During that time, I picked up guitar I have had many great opportunities as a student, teacher and musician. During my college years, I was fortunate to play in different school ensembles (Band, Orchestra, Jazz, Chamber Groups). I graduated with a Composition Degree. I also played in a Pop Rock band. I still write and record music during the summer..
What is your teaching experience?
I have been teaching in HUSD for 15 years and privately for 12 years. I have taught at Ochoa MS, Winton MS, Strobridge Elementary and Lorin Eden Elementary. I am currently teaching General Music, Choir and Instrumental Music at Lorin Eden and Orchestra and Chamber Strings at Mt Eden HS.
What are some things you enjoy about teaching music in high school so far?
I enjoy the high school experience most because I have the privilege to work with students who are passionate about their music. Many of my high school students started as my Lorin Eden Elementary music students, so it is a joy to work with and be a part of their lives for the school time in HUSD.
What is something that is fun and quirky or unique about you that you don’t mind sharing with the music team?
One accomplishment which makes me proud is when alumni students come back and visit the MEHS Orchestra program. I love when students share the life lessons they have taken with them from our time together. Music classes are more than just teaching a student to play music. Through music we develop the leadership skills, social bonds, communication, teamwork, accountability, listening, self reflection, expression and creativity. I work to provide great opportunities and experiences for my students.
Can you tell us about an accomplishment that makes you proud?
One accomplishment which makes me proud is when alumni students come back and visit the MEHS Orchestra program. I love when students share the life lessons they have taken with them from our time together. Music classes are more than just teaching a student to play music. Through music we develop the leadership skills, social bonds, communication, teamwork, accountability, listening, self reflection, expression and creativity. I work to provide great opportunities and experiences for my students.